Last year, Accessibility NYC hosted a meetup at thoughtbot entitled “Building an Accessible Document Workflow.” Damian Sian, Senior Web Accessibility Advisor for Princeton University, gave a presentation on practical approaches to ensuring accessibility in document workflows, specifically PDF document workflows. Here are some highlights from Damian’s presentation: Why do we still need PDFs? How WCAG […]
Author: Equal Entry
How Various Screen Readers Work on the Web
Oct 17, 2017by Sofia Gallo One of the questions I often get from my friends is, “How do you use the internet?” After all, at first glance, a computer seems like a visual tool – looking at the screen appears to be necessary to use the mouse or read text. However, I am able to use the […]
This past summer, Accessibility NYC hosted a meetup entitled “My Story, Aphasia, the NYC Outdoors Disability Group, and the No Barriers Summit.” Presenter Avi Golden, a practicing EMT, described how he went from being a Critical Care and Flight Paramedic with North Shore LIJ (Northwell) EMS and NY Presbyterian EMS before having a stroke to […]
Equal Entry’s newest team member, Sofia Gallo, has written a helpful primer on how to report accessibility issues in iOS apps: Afraid to Tell Developers Their App is not Accessible? You Should, And Here’s How. Sofia has been a VoiceOver user for many years, and she brings both her personal experience and technical understanding to […]
Thoughts on One-Handed Typing
Aug 3, 2017How does typing with one hand affect someone’s experience on the modern web? Sam Berman, Accessibility Consultant at Equal Entry, shares his thoughts on the matter in this short video.
by Sam Berman Like many people, my first direct, real-world interaction with artificial intelligence was with Siri on my iPhone. It was the first implementation of artificial intelligence that gained any serious, mainstream traction. And yet, at that time, Siri seemed like a novelty; a gimmick Apple pulled from science fiction movies. The kind of […]
Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Then & Now
Jul 11, 2017by Sam Berman The first time I tried Dragon NaturallySpeaking, I was in Middle School in the early 2000s. I immediately saw the potential. I was already computer literate, but not having fine motor skills in my right hand, I was not an efficient typist. I tried Dragon a few times, training it to understand me, […]
Earlier this month, Accessibility NYC hosted a Meetup at thoughtbot titled “Writing Government Information for People with Disabilities.” The presenter was Jonathan Katz, Content Writer at the New York City Department of Small Business Services. Katz discussed how to write so that people with cognitive disabilities can read, understand, and use your content. Here are three moments we found especially interesting in […]
TBT: “I Am Colorblind, And You Can Too!”
Jun 15, 2017Accessibility NYC hosted a Meetup last year at thoughtbot, titled “I Am Colorblind, and You Can Too!” The presenter was Jake Voytko, a senior software engineer at Etsy. Voytko addressed how people see color, how colorblind people are different, and how we can design around that difference. Here are three moments we found especially interesting in the presentation: […]
“A Taste of ReelAbilities”
May 23, 2017Accessibility NYC hosted a Meetup on April 4th at thoughtbot, titled “A Taste of ReelAbilities.” Ravit Turjeman, Director of the ReelAbilities Festival, presented and discussed four short films with us. She was joined by Xian Horn, who is on the ReelAbilities Film Selection Committee. Here are two moments we found especially interesting in the presentation: Why the […]